
Geography and education: Practices of integration and segregation in European urban contexts

Université du Luxembourg, Campus Walferdange, April 23 – 25, 2008

Arbeitskreis Bildungsgeographie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie.

Laboratoire Mutations des Territoires en Europe, FRE 3027 du CNRS, Perpignan, Montpellier.

Geography and education: Practices of integration and segregation in European urban contexts

Université du Luxembourg, Campus Walferdange, April 23 – 25, 2008


April 1, 2008


Please make your registration not later than April 14, 2008. The conference fee of 50 euro (for students 30 euro) includes the printed abstracts of the conference papers, light lunch on Thursday, and beverages and snacks during the conference breaks. For registration please send an e-mail with your name and institutional affiliation to and transfer the conference fee to the following bank account: Freytag / Jöns – Account no. 48974756 – Postbank Karlsruhe – BLZ 66010075 – IBAN: DE09660100750048974756 – BIC: PBNKDEFF – Geography and education.

Conference venue

Université du Luxembourg Campus Walferdange Seminar room: Montessori (located in the left wing of the main building)

Route de Diekirch / BP 2 L-7201 Walferdange Tel: (+352) 46 66 44 9000

Conference languages

The conference will be held in English, French and German languages. The speakers are free to choose any of these languages for their presentations. Abstracts of the conference papers will be available in all three languages (translations are provided by the organization committee). Discussions will be held in all three languages (if necessary assisted by informal ad hoc interpretations).

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

13:30 – 14:00 Arrival

14:00 – 14:15 Welcome and general introduction

Christian SCHULZ (Luxembourg); Tim FREYTAG (Heidelberg), David GIBAND (Perpignan), Heike JÖNS (Loughborough), Caroline KRAMER (Karlsruhe)

14:15 – 15:15 Socio-cultural context and schooling

Räumlich-kontextuelle und familial-individuelle Faktoren der Integration durch Bildungspartizipation – untersucht an Schülern türkischer Herkunft in Berlin (Dorothée von AUER, Berlin)

Les pratiques de mixité sociale et scolaire, entre « exclusion choisie » et « inclusion subie ». L’exemple des écoles primaires et des collèges de Perpignan (David GIBAND, Perpignan; Nadine BOUZAROU, Perpignan)

15:45 – 16:45 Migration, society and geography of education

Spatialisation et projections socioprofessionnelles des migrants pour études d’origine camerounaise en Ile-de-France à l’aune du 21e siècle (Pierre KAMDEM, Paris)

Équité éducative et inclusion sociale: une nouvelle perspective pour la géographie (Francesco GRECO, Cosenza)

17:45 – 19:45 Guided city tour with Magali LEHNERS (Luxembourg)

20:00 Dinner (costs not included) at Abbaye de Neumünster – 28, rue Münster – Tel. (++352) 2620521 – (to be confirmed)

Thursday, 24 April 2008

8:45 – 10:15 School performance (international)

L’influence des mécanismes de gestion de l’hétérogénéité sur la performance de la population scolaire présentant un arrière-fond d’immigration : le cas du Luxembourg (Romain MARTIN, Luxembourg)

L’enquête TRESEGY, ou la comparaison européenne des phénomènes qui confirment ou infirme l’exclusion des jeunes issus de l’immigration (Vincent FERRY, Nancy ; Luca QUEIROLO PALMAS, Genova)

Migrationsregime und Schulleistungen von Migranten im internationalen Vergleich (Janna TELTEMANN, Bremen)

10:45 – 11:45 School and language

Les dimensions européennes et internationales : quelle place dans les établissements de quartiers difficiles ? (Magali HARDOUIN, Rennes)

Sprachkompetenzförderung zur Verbesserung der Bildungschancen von Kindern und Jugendlichen (vor allem mit Migrationshintergrund) am Beispiel der Stadt Herten (Leila DALHOUMI, Bochum)

11:45 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 School performance (national)

Individualdaten der Forschungsdatenzentren in Deutschland – ein neues Potenzial für prozessbasierte empirische Studien in der Bildungsgeographie (Raimund RÖDEL, München)

schulformspezifische Analyse anhand allgemein bildender Schulen (Thomas KEMPER, Bochum)

Geografie der Bildungschancen – eine sozialräumliche Analyse von amtlichen Schuldaten am Beispiel des Ruhrgebiets (Tobias TERPOORTEN, Bochum)

15:30 – 17:00 Schools as institutions

Les enfants du voyage dans les écoles primaires des Pyrénées Orientales : de l’intégration départementale à des formes de ségrégation locale (Marie CHARTIER, Perpignan)

Roms et scolarisation : Analyse des processus ségrégatifs et des pratiques positives. L’exemple roumain (Samuel DELÉPINE, Angers)

« L’Ecole comme bouc-émissaire » (Yannick CAHUZAC, Perpignan)

Friday, 25 April 2008

8:45 – 10:15 School choices

Schulwahl in Deutschland: Welchen Einfluss haben regionale sozio-ökonomische Bedingungen auf die Wahl der Grundschule und Segregationstendenzen? (Andrea BRENKEN, Wuppertal)

The Importance of Statistical Information in Policy Development: What school administrators can learn by asking parents about decisions they make for their children (Rebecca THEOBALD, Colorado Springs)

La politique française de démocratisation scolaire à l’épreuve du territoire (Catherine SÉLIMANOVSKI, Montpellier 2)

10:45 – 12:15 Social dimensions of schooling

La question scolaire : une question sociale (Marie-Hélène WOJCIK, Nancy; Marie LAMBERT Nancy; Gilles DUMAIT, Nancy)

Die Institution Schule in ihrem sozialen Kontext: Schulische und außerschulische Programme zur Integration in sozial benachteiligten Vierteln der Stadt Luxemburg (Magali LEHNERS, Luxembourg)

Existe-t-il des violences scolaires éducatives? (Youenn RIOU, Le Mans)

12:15 – 13:00 Conclusions

13:00 Departure


A wide range of hotels is located in the inner city near the central railway station. At the two following hotels you can benefit from a special rate for that was agreed with the University of Luxembourg: Golden Tulip Hotel Central Molitor – 28 Avenue de la Liberté – L-1930 Luxembourg – phone: (++352) 489911 – fax: (++352) 483382 – e-mail: – – special rate for single room 85 euro.

City Hotel Luxembourg – 1 rue de Strasbourg (coin avenue de la Liberté) – L-1021 Luxembourg – phone: (++352) 291122 – fax: (++352) 291133 – e-mail: – – special rate for single room 95-135 euro.

For other hotels please check the webpage of the local tourist office (

A less expensive option could be the Hotel Italia ( or the Luxembourg youth hostel (


For directions to the Campus Walferdange by car and for a map of the area please go to (The University – The Campus Sites – Campus Walferdange).

Public transport: Tickets can be purchased from bus drivers and on the train. For detailed information on timetables please go to

From the airport to inner city and central railway station: Please take bus no. 16 at quai 1, and get off at bus stop “gare central” (after approx. 25 minutes).

From the main station to Walferdange university campus: Please take the regional train to Mersch/Ettelbrück (at xx.20 and xx.50). Get off at ‘Walferdange’ (after 8 minutes), you are behind the campus. Take underpass to other side, keep left and get onto the campus.

From Walferdange university campus to the central railway station: Take regional train to Luxembourg (at xx.01 and xx.31).


Tim Freytag (Heidelberg), e-mail:

David Giband (Perpignan), e-mail:

Heike Jöns (Loughborough), e-mail:

Caroline Kramer (Karlsruhe), e-mail:


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